
Construction - Problem child

An interesting article in the SHP online recently discussing the CDM Regulations. It is nearly 20 years since the regulations came into force and for some it has been a long and troublesome road.

This SHP article looks at the issue of 'Competence and Pre-qualification'. Originally the CDM regulations were put in place to improve health and safety in the construction industry, with a particular focus on effective planning and risk management. A key element of this was that you should ensure those you engage or appoint are competent to deliver work safely, do not endanger others, and meet the necessary legal health and safety requirements. Have we achieved this? Many would say "no" as it is a difficult thing to attain and measure.

However, at Ai Solutions we have tried to assist in addressing the problem within our CDM compliance software. We have worked collaboratively to link up with Altius VA which is a Vendor Assessment tool to aid in the competence management of Contractors, Designers and CDM-C's who are appointed on CDM projects.