Archive January 2019

Asbestos Essentials

As we all know the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) provides a wealth of information to support those involved in health and safety, this includes a repository of useful links and guidance to support you. We would like to share a particular resource as we feel it has great value to those having to deal with the removal of asbestos. If you visit Asbestos Essentials it will take you to a repository of information like task sheets, methods and guidance to help you manage the asbestos work effectively.
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Asbestos Court Case Delivers Heavy Fine

Once again, contractors have ended up with a heavy fine after being prosecuted under the CAR12 (Asbestos) Regulations. In the court case two contractors were found guilty of not suitably managing the removal of some ceiling tiles at a school in Derby, they were fined over £100,000 plus ordered to pay a further £9,559 in costs. Asbestos is still being found in many of our refurbishment projects in older buildings as it was a cheap solution in the past. Yet still contractors are failing...
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Happy New Year 2019 - Lets Make It A Safe One

Sadly, we are still seeing many reports of non-compliance with the CDM regulations and many prosecutions have happened. Although this may not change immediately, in the longer term one would like to hope that the implementation of the CDM and Asbestos regulations leads to better and safer work places. The team at Ai Solutions continues to work hard to provide better compliance products to help those within the construction and Health and Safety arenas. We now have a set of products that can help...
[Read on about Happy New Year 2019 - Lets Make It A Safe One]