
Collaboration within Construction

construction.jpgIt may seem obvious to many but collaboration within the construction industry is still not as common place as you would like to think. The benefits are obvious as has been demonstrated by some of the larger well known projects like the Olympics. Sharing of information is just a start, all parties singing from the same hymn sheet means that all are working towards the same goal with the same information. This is a sure fire way of saving money and time!

Aside from that, collaborating has other benefits, for example it encourages teamwork. Aiming for the same objective together means you have the potential of obtaining your goal as you have a common interest. We are not enemies on a construction site, we are not in competition with each other; we are there to complete the work together. Alongside this it will be done safely, why? Because the detail about the work is shared, discussed, issues highlighted and solutions found. Surely, just this reason alone, collaboration should be seen as a better way of working? As well as this you have the contractual arrangements as well as supply chain management. Surely having better communication channels in place mean a less fraught partnership and, potentially supplies delivered on time?

Many say that collaboration works better / is more effective on larger projects. We would argue that it can be equally effective on small to medium sized projects too. On smaller projects there are less people involved, communication lines are less complicated, sharing of information will be easier and simpler and therefore collaboration between parties should be more effective. The long term aim is to have a construction project completed in time, within budget and (we hope) with as little hazard to life as possible.

At Ai Solutions we have spent many years in building CDM software that can aid in the construction collaboration process.  Providing a mechanism for sharing information simply, easily in the cloud and knowing that the information is safe, secure and available, both 'real-time' and 24/7. Why not give a member or the team a call on 01525 850080 for an informal chat about how we can help you work better?  You can also visit our web site at for more information.

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