
Asbestos Surveying Made Easy

Are you looking for help with your surveying? Are you a client that legally has to ensure your properties are compliant as per the Asbestos CAR12 (Control of Asbestos) regulations? Perhaps you are a surveyor looking for a simple to use tool to carry out, record and upload your surveys in 2 easy steps?

Asbestos Surveyor App for iOS and Android tablet devices

Then look no further, we have the ideal solution for you! Designed to be user friendly we have a surveying application that you can download for free*. This application can work on iPads (Asbestos Surveyor for iPad) and Android tablets (Asbestos Surveyor for Android) so you can carry it around the building as you record your results.

If you would like to find out more about this solution or perhaps have a demonstration then please give a member of the team a call on 01525 850080 or drop us an email on

* Does require access to the cloud-based database

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