
Construction Fatalities Update

2016 HSE Stats - Workplace InjuryWe note that construction worker fatalities dropped significantly in the year end to March 2017 reaching an all-time low. This is great news. However there were 30 fatalities across construction during 2016/17 and, according to the HSE (PDF), this is the lowest on record.

Interestingly of the 30 construction worker deaths, 22 were employed and eight self-employed and the HSE indicate that twelve of these were due to 'falls from height'. Additionally there were four members of the public died from accidents related to the construction sector – this is up from the previous year.

For every worker killed at work there are many who suffer life-changing injuries. Whatever the figures, we still believe that one death is still one too many and that anyone who ends up suffering life changing-injuries is one that we could have done more to stop.

Over the last few years we have worked hard as an industry in keeping these figures down. Improving our health and safety culture as well as consistent training and investment. Nevertheless, we still have a long way to go as many Clients see health and safety training as the spending of unnecessary cash.

For clients on construction projects there are ways of being sure you are compliant and supporting your workers. One of these is in relation to the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015, more often referred to as the CDM2015 regulations.  Ai Solutions can help those within the construction industry by providing 'compliance software' to make sure any construction work that is carried out is 'compliant' with the CDM2015 regulations, that's one less thing to worry about plus it's a cost effective solution!

Why don't you contact a member of the team on 01525 850080 for your FREE demonstration?