Archive February 2009

Newsletter - February 2009

The February 2009 edition of the Ai Solutions Newsletter is now available: February Newsletter.
[Read on about Newsletter - February 2009]

Goals for the Health & Safety of Great Britain Strategy

Management Summary Delegates generally agreed with the goals, listed below, except to argue that the first two should be reversed, thus emphasising the importance and need of strong leadership. During detailed discussion communication was, inevitably, the main feature seen to require constant attention. Communication of a 'safety culture' in which the workplace wanted to comply was mentioned time and again. There was a preference to this rather than one in which the workforce are compelled to conform...
[Read on about Goals for the Health & Safety of Great Britain Strategy]

Working together across London

The Office of Government Commerce (OGC) defines Joined up Working as "the term to describe collaborative working across organisational boundaries to tackle shared issues&" and recognises that it is becoming increasingly common in the public sector where joint action and exchange of information is required to support the efficient conduct of public sector business. The HSE, in their Health and Safety of Great Britain Strategy consultation document, are seeking to improve Health and Safety performance...
[Read on about Working together across London]

Cost Saving in Recessionary Times

There is no doubt that financially, we are all in for a rough time over the coming months. Expenditure will be questioned; income will be analysed. The state of the nation's health will be monitored as we go into 'intensive care'. Debate will abound; action will be scarce. Will we weather the storm? Will I have a job next month; sorry next week? Now there is a positive side to this scenario which hopefully will be less grim than the picture painted here for most of us. This is a time to take stock...
[Read on about Cost Saving in Recessionary Times]