Archive September 2003

Yorkshire Post Report on Asbestos Victims

A recent report in the Yorkshire Post makes some shocking revelations about people who have contracted mesothelioma. The Yorkshire Post report pulls together information from the HSE and the Trades Union Congress and claims 'to come just months after a Yorkshire Post investigation revealed fears over a new wave of victims, people who have had no direct or obvious contact with asbestos, but have still developed the disease because the now-banned fibre was so widely used'. According to the Yorkshire...
[Read on about Yorkshire Post Report on Asbestos Victims]

Health and Safety Commission go-ahead for revision of CDM & CHSW

I thought that you would like to know that HSC have agreed that we should proceed with the revision of the CDM and CHSW regs. The ambitious aim is to publish a consultative document next Spring. As far as possible I want to move forward by consensus, involving as many interested parties as possible. The high level objectives for the revision, agreed with CONIAC and endorsed by HSC, are to improve the management of risk by: simplifying the regulations to improve clarity and so making it easier...
[Read on about Health and Safety Commission go-ahead for revision of CDM & CHSW]

HSE Questionnaire

Control of Asbestos at Work Regulation 4 Duty to Manage Asbestos The HSE is seeking the views of duty holders on progress of the new duty as part of HSE's one-year review of the operation of the new duty to manage asbestos in non-domestic premises. As you may be aware the Government gave a commitment during the House of Lords debate in December 2002 to review the new duty by the end of this year, though it does not become law until 21 May 2004. HSE has therefore prepared a short questionnaire...
[Read on about HSE Questionnaire]