
HSE Questionnaire

Control of Asbestos at Work Regulation 4
Duty to Manage Asbestos

The HSE is seeking the views of duty holders on progress of the new duty as part of HSE's one-year review of the operation of the new duty to manage asbestos in non-domestic premises.

As you may be aware the Government gave a commitment during the House of Lords debate in December 2002 to review the new duty by the end of this year, though it does not become law until 21 May 2004.

HSE has therefore prepared a short questionnaire (it will take less than 15 minutes to complete) for those who are duty holders. It is split into three main sections - awareness of asbestos, action taken or planned to identify and manage asbestos and any barriers to compliance.

As you will see from the form, they are mainly just tick box questions so that they take as little time as possible to answer.

We would want to keep the burden on duty holders as low as possible and there are various options to ensure this happens.

Fill In On Line
The questionnaire can simply be completed on HSE's website, at

All completed questionnaires will need to be with HSE by 31 October 2003.

The results of the questionnaire will be used for the one-year review they will not be attributed to a particular organisation.

Please feel free to ring me to discuss any aspect of the review. Thanking you in advance for your contributions.

Owen Yorath
Asbestos Policy Adviser
020 7717 6809