West One / Westminster City Council

Working Compliantly with Westminster City Council - CDM ToolKit CS™ case study


West One Infrastructure Services is a joint venture between J Murphy and Sons Ltd, FM Conway Ltd and WSP, supported by Hyder Consulting (UK) Ltd and works in close partnership with Westminster City Council.

As the council's infrastructure services provider, West One is responsible for some of the highest profile bridge, highway structure and traffic management projects in the vibrant heart of the capital.

The projects present diverse, complex and sometimes unique challenges for West One's team of dedicated engineers and operatives.

They range from designing and delivering streetscape improvements and new transport infrastructure schemes to the day-day management and maintenance of bridges and highway structures.

West One Objectives

CDM StatisticsIn January 2008 (4 years into the JV Commission), West One acquired ToolKit CS™ to manage CDM in accordance with CDM Regulations and demonstrate compliance to their Client, Westminster City Council. Their primary objectives being:-

West One Bespoke Enhancements

Over time and with the arrival of Peter Myrants, Compliance and Performance Manager, bespoke developments to ToolKit CS™ were specified by Peter, to better support West One's business processes.

Project Completion and Handover

The initial development was to support West One's project completion and handover process and involved an email notification system being developed into ToolKit CS™ to support additional documents and the notification of key project milestones :-

Through the use of email templates in ToolKit CS™, a standard email is issued to the Client and Maintainers when these milestones are achieved for a given project. The CDM Statistics dashboard was also extended to monitor status and compliance of the additional processes.

With the additional documents being supported in ToolKit CS™, Peter also specified the requirement to centrally manage documents through "push template" functionality. This has facilitated changes to the F10, PCI, CPP and H&S Files, specified by the West One CDM-C's, to be made centrally. These have then been pushed out, using the "push template" option, to relevant ToolKit CS™ projects, in preference to relying on the business to remember to "pull" the latest document template changes.

These changes have additionally enabled collaboration, via the handover process, such that the maintainer is now notified of projects handed over for maintenance, which through the Maintainers' access to ToolKit CS™ now enables their access to H&S Files and As-Built drawings.

Document Approval

Another major enhancement specified by Peter was the addition of Document Approvals. This requirement was primarily in response to a request from the Client to approve relevant project completion documents and was facilitated by electronically dating and signing the relevant documents and storing them as the latest version and a formal record in ToolKit CS™.

Peter also used the same document approval functionality in ToolKit CS™ so that the West One CDM-C's can be notified when they are required to review / approve CPP / PCI and H&S Files. Again CDM-C review and approval is electronically signed and dated and stored into ToolKit CS™ as the latest version and formal record of the relevant reviewed / approved document.

Document Approval Setup

ToolKit CS™ Hosting Transition

In 2008 when West One first became an Ai Solutions customer, West One utilised a managed service from an existing external 3rd party to host ToolKit CS™. However in 2011, following a review by Peter of the service, West One transitioned to the ToolKit CS™ Hosted Solution, subsequently provided by Ai Solutions.

The change enabled Ai Solutions to provide West One with a "one stop" solution and service. The solution includes:-


ToolKit CS™ successfully provides West One Management and Westminster City Council with a tool to manage and track CDM compliance of their projects. The provision of a repository for collaboration of CDM related documents with all parties, aids and fully integrates with West One, their maintainer and their Client's business processes.


January 2013

For more information about the products and services described in this case study, please read on about our CDM 2015 management software.