We are looking forward to presenting our ToolKit CS™ solutions at the NEC based H&S Exhibition next week: 11-13 May 2004. Please use the opportunity to bring your colleagues to see our latest innovations to CDM and Asbestos Management and to discuss the issues with our team. Our stand number is B62 in Hall 9, opposite the Asbestos Information Theatre. Visitors to the stand will be invited to enter a free draw for a standalone copy of our software. Reason enough, we hope, to encourage you to drop by and see us with our latest tools to help you manage CDM and Asbestos.
The new "Duty to Manage Asbestos" finally becomes Law on the 21st May 2004. Many recipients of this newsletter will have their management plans in place and will be working with many parties to communicate the importance of the new legislation. It is worrying, though, to continue to hear that many people think the duty to manage begins and ends with the appointment of a surveyor. Good management is at the heart of the legislation’s requirements and is fully addressed by ToolKit CS™.
Microsoft's latest TV and periodical advertising campaign talks about "Your Potential - Our Passion". As a Microsoft partner, we are passionate about enabling what we call the 3 C's;
Our products in the context of CDM and Asbestos management directly address compliance with the Law. However, our ToolKit CS™ software is 'open', so that users can use it to help them comply with all aspects of Health & Safety. Compliance, and the management of the process that identifies where compliance is lacking, is central to what we provide. Here, the ideal is to 'close the loop' so that all aspects of compliance are identified, traceable and audited – and complete.
Collaboration is an issue that rightly deserves focus by senior management who are striving to integrate their systems. With ToolKit CS™, this can happen not only between different levels of organisations but with sister organisations, external clients, contractors, surveyors, duty holders and so on. This opportunity to integrate project and site data so that information is available to all parties, quickly and easily is significant and highly interesting to the parties involved.
Competence, our third 'C', is commonly dealt with in a very 'hands-off' manner. Contractors for instance are 'encouraged' to submit answers to competency questionnaires and self-certify their competence. ToolKit CS™ provides up-to-the-moment tracking of competency issues with an analysis for the management process available for onward reporting.
Our approach is to provide the best-integrated package for Health & Safety Management; we look forward to demonstrating these issues to you in due course.
Recent work with leading UK companies has led to the provision of template business cases for both CDM and Asbestos management software. If you and your organisation are looking to provide software solutions in these important areas, you may be interested in receiving copies of these templates. They are available on request.
Please look at our online demonstration of the ToolKit CS™ product. The demo is free and aims to give newcomers a look and feel of our products.
Please review our web pages or call us for more information on our CDM and Asbestos Management products. Product data sheets are available as PDF file downloads from our web site.