For most of us, the last month has been dominated by three words; Floods, Rail and Petrol. Reminded that we are in the 21st century, travellers from beyond our shores might wonder what third world country they have stumbled into. For us at Ai Solutions, we have progressed well in spite of these traumatic difficulties and have several important messages to bring to you.
The HSE Initiative, Working Well Together has gathered momentum over the past 12 months and achieved a short crescendo with the first annual awards on 17 October. Ai Solutions, together with Mouchel Consulting, sponsored the Communications award. This was won by Purac Ltd. We are hoping to publish the various submissions on so that members of the web site can review the excellence of the work done in supporting the initiative and getting to the final.
Our on going relationships with leaders in the health & safety field have blossomed in the past few weeks. In addition to our extended links with HSE, Mike Stokes of Mouchel is a member of Construction Industry Council H&S Task Group, the Working Well Together Steering Committee and on the Legislative Panel of the Institution of Structural Engineers. As many of our User Group know, Mouchel have been working very closely with Ai Solutions over the past 6 months and Mike has now offered to work with us on a new initiative on our web site.
The idea has been hatched with Bruce Calder, Managing Director of Callsafe Services Ltd and Member of the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management. He provides several important CDM Services for many of the UK’s Blue Chip companies and is a member of the editorial panel of Construction Safety published for the Construction Confederation and has contributed to several publications for CIRIA, British Standards, Tolley, Croner and the British Safety Council. We will be setting up a Question and Answer Forum on the web site so that members can post questions to the forum. Mike and Bruce have both offered to be on hand to answer them. We are very excited about what will be the first initiative of this kind for anyone involved in CDM.
The new site continues to progress. We are improving our hit rates and attracting new members by the day! Having listened to a number of users, the Registration process has been simplified. So please register today if you have not already done so.
Your new Electronic Warehouse 'DocUstore' is now fully operational. It allows you to store any document - any data format - on the Internet for any other 'member' to see providing the member has permission to view it. Documents can be searched for through a powerful keyword search engine specially developed for the site. Members can search by postcode, address, GIS or any other document reference. This is particularly relevant for the health & safety file which can now be made available for anyone to view from anywhere in the world!
So we can now dispense with all these piles of files, can't we? And we have a service provider who can arrive with a truck, take away all the paper, and deliver the files on CDRoms within a few days. It's so easy and so obvious, …. and … will save you money, …. so ….. when can we do it?
Your Service Providers Showcase will be online before the end of Phase 1 (15 December 2000). We have a short list of contenders for this showcase, which will provide access for members to services relevant to CDM. If you want to be included in this, please e-mail us if you have not already done so. We will be sending out information packs in the next 2 weeks.
A new Discussion Threads feature is currently under development and will include the ability to receive questions from members, catalogue them, and provide an interface for answers. Our 'gurus' (Mike Stokes and Bruce Calder) will have an interface with this so that they can 'communicate' with the feature. We hope to have this is place by the end of Phase 1 as well. We would be delighted to hear from you if you have additional suggestions for this feature.
In our quest to improve our web engine rating, we are aware that links from your site to our site are particularly valuable. You would be doing us a considerable service by providing a link and I would ask you to consider this now!
This is a reminder that we have promised CDM ToolKit users free use of until 15 November 2000. Thereafter, you can use the service at a discount as per our online Tariff. In addition, we will support up to 2 live projects, per CDM ToolKit customer, that are on the site by 15 November 2000, free of charge until 15 January 2001. This is to give those customers every opportunity to trial the system with their own customers and colleagues.
Please don't miss this opportunity to register and find out what this new CDM community site is all about.
Non-CDM ToolKit customers have a free token offer worth £20 so that anyone can get registered and start using the service.
Our success depends on YOU! Please spread the word about our new initiative to all your colleagues and customers. If we can help you to do that, please let us know. Please spread the word, the world of CDM is changing!