Archive May 2018

Government Upload - Post Grenfell

We read an interesting report produced by Dame Judith Hackitt. It is a personal view on her part post the Grenfell report. The most interesting bits for us were her references to 'lack of clarity on roles and responsibilities' where she states 'there is ambiguity over where responsibility lies, exacerbated by a level of fragmentation within the industry, and precluding robust ownership of accountability'. We would wholeheartedly agree with her on this, in particular the accountability. Despite there...
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Building a Safer Future

As our readers know we have, for many years, been stating that ensuring compliance means safer construction sites. The regulations are there to protect all parties and following them means you can ensure that you have done everything in your power to comply with the law. ToolKit CS is the leader in CDM compliance software and it has a proven track record, just ask the many users. Many organisations believe that they can demonstrate compliance, but can they? What if you have multiple sites and/or...
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