Spot Checks and the £124 per hour Fee for Intervention
6 November 2013
In October, 2012 the Fee for Intervention was introduced by the HSE. This has been applied to those who have broken a Health and Safety Law. It means that law breakers are liable for all HSE related costs which happens to work out at £124 per hour. This includes inspection, investigation and taking enforcement action.
Let's put this in perspective.
In 2012 - 2013:
7,345 enforcement notices were issued by the HSE. With 8,810 overall in Great Britain in the same period of time. Following a Freedom of Information request made by ELAS, it has been revealed that businesses were fined a total of £5,532,565 for health and safety failings since October 2012.
There is quite a lot of money at stake. If you are a small to medium business then compliance with Health and Safety is not optional but a financial necessity. Otherwise you risk legal fees, bad PR and if inspected by the HSE a very large bill. (click here for exceptions [PDF])
Think smart. Think compliant.