
Vendor Assesment: Altius

AltiusOne of our new partners, Altius, has recently won the British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) award for Innovation and Technology for their system Altius Vendor Assessment. They have been running for a number of years now and have a new and innovative approach to vendor assessment. At no cost to the Client the Altius Vendor Assessment system can provide all the vendor assessment needs along with direct requirements of the Client.

As for the vendors (Contractors, CDM-C's etc.) it gives them peace of mind knowing that they are assessed by competent professionals. Being part of the Altius Vendor Assessment system means the vendors are in the best place to get on the approved lists of as many clients as possible. Furthermore the Altius team of approved professionals provide feedback to help put vendors in the best possible light with potential clients.

For more on this story see BIFM website and Altius' Blog.