
HSE Announce Plans For Cost Cutting in Recessionary Times

1104-iosh.jpgAt the recent IOSH Conference Judith Hackitt addressed the delegates to outline plans for cutting costs after the review carried out by Lord Young.

Her message was that the HSE will continue to look for opportunities to improve its efficiency and make cost savings - but not at the expense of inspection and regulation of high-hazard sectors.

Describing the 35-per-cent cut in the Executive's budget as "no more harsh than that applied to other bodies within the DWP", Ms Hackitt also pointed out that the HSE is already making significant cost savings and efficiencies towards this target.

So how will this affect us on the ground? She stated that inspections in the high-hazards sectors will not be cut but instead, the regulator will look to "modernise" its approach. Ms Hackitt continued: "We won't change how we do reactive work, i.e. based on our incident-selection criteria and the complaints process".

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