
Manage CDM Electronically Without Managing IT

ToolKit CS™ HostedYour focus is Health and Safety. You need to comply with CDM regulations and you want to ensure effective communication and project management. But you may not want to spend your time managing the IT required or taking your place in the queue for your organisation's IT resources.

That's where hosted ToolKit CS™ comes in. ToolKit CS™ is a comprehensive and effective CDM management and compliance system, developed over the last fifteen years. We install, maintain and update the software on our servers, providing you with secure computer space that is accessible to authorised users from any computer, anywhere, with internet access. This dedicated service will free you and your users from your current IT networking and firewall constraints. And by users, we include all of your external users too because you will be able to give them access as well and at no extra cost. We will give you the best possible service because it is in our direct interest to do so.

This gives you all the benefits of a robust and versatile computerised management system without any of the time and effort needed to design, install or maintain it. You don't have to take that on, your IT department doesn't have to take that on and you don't have to spend many hours liaising with each other. All that you have to do is allocate user names and passwords to allow access (update or read only) to those whom you authorise. You can grant rights to your staff and, if you wish, to external contractors to access all projects or those which you specify.

The application allows any number of users to initiate project detail, and prepare and update all the documents necessary, either user originated or template based, to manage the CDM process, from the Form 10 to the Health and Safety File. All documents and reports can be formatted as required to meet corporate style requirements. The integrated database facilitates speedy access to project information, property details and documents for as many projects as you require. Information in the database and documents can be found quickly by using the powerful search engine.

Documents can be created from new or existing templates by any user without limit, with headings, logos and formatting to suit the user and corporate style. Database fields can be inserted into documents making the creation of complex documents with links to the database very straightforward. Documents can be output in a variety of file formats, e-mailed, or simply printed. Versions can be saved and recalled at any time. Conversely, photographs and documents can be imported into the ToolKit database or links set up with other databases. These features provide a highly effective communications system.

Modules are included for all essential elements of CDM and Health & Safety management, such as risk assessments and competency monitoring and review. The 80,000+ word knowledge base provides a carefully researched and updated source of information about the entire CDM process including about 100 hazard related topics 'in plain English'.

The ToolKit CS™ package includes initial and ongoing training for your staff on the use of the system and all aspects of CDM management and compliance. With this support you will be in a strong position to meet your compliance obligations with minimum hassle and maximum efficiency. Hosted ToolKit CS™ enables you to focus on Health and Safety, leaving us to look after IT support.

For more information and a demonstration please contact us.

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