CDM ToolKit™ 2000 Maintenance Manual
10 February 2000
The latest edition to the CDM practitioner's armoury completes the document management cycle for any project. The Construction (Design & Management) 1994 regulations from the HSE oblige building project clients to provide a health & safety file. The file should determine the long-term safety management aspects of the completed site.
The CDM ToolKit™ 2000 Maintenance Manual product facilitates the production of a combined Maintenance Manual and Health & Safety File. The Maintenance Manual is delivered with the standard tools available in other versions of the CDM ToolKit™ 2000 including the CDM Knowledgebase. These tools include on-line help within the product that gives the guidance required to provide both the output documentation and project planning for the management of the Maintenance Manual.
The core element of the product is the Maintenance Manual Knowledgebase. This is based on the well-known Building Centre Trust's publication The Maintenance Manual and Health & Safety File and is reproduced with the agreement of the Trust. This Knowledgebase is linked to The Maintenance Manual and Health & Safety File within the CDM ToolKit™ 2000 so that it can be used in any section of the relevant document. The documentation created in the product can be edited and saved as individual templates for users or groups of users in multi-user versions.
The new Option will allow different parties involved in the short-term provision and long-term management of this mandatory document to communicate electronically. This will bring timesavings whilst gathering the various elements of the document and managing the collation process. It will provide very significant cost savings of the long-term storage and retrieval of the file. The biggest benefits are likely to be the reduction of the hidden cost of amendments and provision of on-line documents easily accessed by electronic means. In addition, distribution by CDROM is soon likely to be the preferred method of managing complex documents for any forward thinking organisation, regardless of size.
The CDM ToolKit™ 2000 Maintenance Manual is available as an upgrade Option for existing users and as a standalone package for new users from £995 plus £299pa plus from day one VAT.
350 words