Archive London 2012

The following are posts with the 'London 2012' tag:

CDM Lessons Learned from the Olympics

The HSE has published the results for their investigations (Project RR941) into the extent to which CDM helped or hindered the construction of London 2012 by reviewing how CDM duties were put into practice. Key messages and findings from the report include: Millions of hours of work can be undertaken and a project delivered in a tight timescale without compromising health and safety Early and on-going planning, coordination and Contractor involvement were crucial Health and safety benefits...
[Read on about CDM Lessons Learned from the Olympics]

Free Olympics Health & Safety Event

The HSE will be running a free half-day seminar hosted by the TUC, focusing on the health and safety lessons learned from the London 2012 construction project in relation to leadership and worker involvement. The event will be held at the Congress Centre, London, 24 May 2012. If you are interested in attending visit for more information.
[Read on about Free Olympics Health & Safety Event]