Archive Highways

The following are posts with the 'Highways' tag:

Government Release 25M Funds to Remove Bottlenecks

We read in the Construction Enquirer that Transport Secretary, Patrick McLoughlin has released the first £25m funding to enable the early delivery of improvements on the local highway Networks. This has come about due to the government plans to tackle bottlenecks to keep the country moving and our economy growing. For more on this article see First 10 pinch point road projects approved – List
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Welsh Highways Repairs - £60m Borrowed

Welsh Councils will be allowed to borrow £60m to fund road repairs this year. The money is being provided by the Welsh Government under a 22-year "mortgage-style" agreement to help offset cuts in public spending. Over the next three years it is predicted the funding scheme will bring in about £170m for highways maintenance. Will this be a new way of funding the badly needed repairs on our highways? Perhaps it is, the recent bad weather and cuts in spending have made this a difficult...
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£70m Highways Contract Up For Grabs

Northern borough councils, Halton and Warrington, are teaming-up in a joint procurement race for a £70m highways maintenance contract. The councils are hoping to appoint a single contractor for both areas with work evenly split over the six year deal between the two authorities. If Ai Solutions can aid you in your tender applications, especially in the CDM and Asbestos areas, then please call a member of the team on 01525 850080. The works will include reactive maintenance, signage,...
[Read on about £70m Highways Contract Up For Grabs]