Archive Dave Carr

The following are posts with the 'Dave Carr' tag:

CDM 2015 - Another Milestone Met

The long-awaited CDM2015 Regulations have eventually been published in their final form, although the guidances that were published in 9 January 2015 are still in draft, but unlikely to change significantly. The Regulations can be viewed/downloaded from: Draft guidance on the Regulations The Health and Safety Executive's (HSE's) guidance L153, Draft Guidance on The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015, including the draft regulations,...
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CDM 2015: Will the Change from CDM-C to Principal Designer be effective?

[Read on about CDM 2015: Will the Change from CDM-C to Principal Designer be effective?]

Why Does the HSE Wish to Remove the CDM Coordinator?

Background The Government policy of 'copy out' from European Directives requires any change to existing Directive-based legislation to comply with this policy unless there are strong arguments for doing otherwise. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has stated that the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM) should be revised based on 'copy out' from the Temporary or Mobile Constructions Sites Directive 92/57/EEC (TMCSD). However, the package should avoid a reduction in standards,...
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