Archive Consultation

The following are posts with the 'Consultation' tag:

RIDDOR Review Comes To A Close

Consultation on proposals to simplify and clarify RIDDOR reporting will shortly be coming to an end so if you have any views on proposals to simplify and clarify how businesses comply with the requirements under the Reporting of Injuries, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations please put your ideas forward as soon as possible. Consultation began on 2 August 2012 and ends on 28 October 2012. You can view and respond to the consultation at RIDDOR Consultation
[Read on about RIDDOR Review Comes To A Close]

HSE Overhaul of Approved Codes of Practice

The HSE appear to be following recommendations put forward by Professor Löfstedt in his review of health & safety legislation. Professor Löfstedt (who spoke at our Health and Safety Conference earlier this year) stated that Health and Safety legislation required a complete overhaul. Lord Young, in his 2010 report 'Common sense, common safety' (PDF), also suggested that reforms were needed. The HSE has embarked on a huge consultation exercise aimed at revising, consolidating, or withdrawing...
[Read on about HSE Overhaul of Approved Codes of Practice]

Public Consultation - Removal of 14 legislative Measures

The HSE are proposing to remove fourteen legislative measures (reference CD239) as they believe that some are either redundant, have been overtaken by more up to date Regulations or do not deliver their expected benefits. The consultative document has been divided into annexes, with Annex 2 covering Construction (Head Protection) Regulations and Notification of Conventional Tower Cranes Regulations. To view this information and to have your say visit
[Read on about Public Consultation - Removal of 14 legislative Measures]

RIDDOR Changes - Chance to Respond

We are currently in a three month period of consultation on proposed changes to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995. Changes to RIDDOR were recommended in Lord Young's report on health and safety published last year, which among other issues contained a proposal to increase the threshold for reporting workplace injuiries to seven days. The consultation paper is available online at CD233 - Proposed amendment to RIDDOR and the deadline for responses...
[Read on about RIDDOR Changes - Chance to Respond]

Have Your Say On Amending RIDDOR

SHP reports that the consultation on amending the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) in line with the proposals made by Lord Young last year is now live. All interested parties are invited to submit their views on the proposed amendments by visiting the 'current consultations' area of the HSE website and clicking on CD233 - Proposed amendment to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR). The consultation...
[Read on about Have Your Say On Amending RIDDOR]