Only 7% of Engineers are Women
23 April 2014
National Women in Engineering Day - 23 June 2014 - a day dedicated to raising the profile and celebrating the achievements of women in engineering.
Some interesting facts about Women In Engineering!
- The UK has the lowest percentage of female engineering professionals in Europe, at less than 10%, while Latvia, Bulgaria and Cyprus lead with nearly 30% (Quote from Vince Cable says UK economy hampered by lack of female engineers, The Guardian, 4 Nov 2013,)
- 3.4% of Engineering and Manufacturing Apprentices are female. (Under-representation by gender and race in apprenticeships, Unionlearn and the National Apprenticeship Service, December 2013 and IES analysis of IES data 2012)
- Companies with more women on their boards were found to outperform their rivals with a 42% higher return in sales, 66% higher return on invested capital and 53% higher return on equity. (Quoted from Women on Boards, BIS, February 2011)
- 81% women engineers are employed full time, 15% employed part time, and 4% employed on flexible or contract hours. (Atkins Report Britain's Got Talented Female Engineers, 2013)
- Just 17% of all professors working in science, technology, engineering and mathematics are women
- Last August the number of women on boards surpassed 17% for the first time. But progress since August 2012 has slowed and is plateauing at the 17% mark. (Lord Davies, Women on Boards, April 2013, p 3)
- All those outside STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) sectors have at least one woman on their Board, but nearly one in five of STEM companies in the FTSE 100 have no women on their Board. (The Female FTSE board report 2012, Cranfield University School of Management)
Well Known Role Models:
Judith Hackitt is the Chair of the Health and Safety executive. She is a chemical engineer.
Roma Agrawal is an Associate Structural Engineer at WSP, and designed bridges, skyscrapers and sculptures with signature architects over a eight year career. She spent six years working on The Shard, the tallest building in Western Europe, and designed the foundations and the 'Spire'. (Also part of the M and S campaign - Leading Ladies!)
Ada Lovelace (1815 - 1852) is considered to the the world's first computer programmer. Ada Lovelace Day is held once a year to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM (Science, Technology. Engineering and Mathematics)
The UK needs to double the number of recruits into engineering to meet demand - so lets get engineering!