Elimination Of Asbestos-Related Diseases
6 August 2012
For those of you who would like to know more about Asbestos the World Health Organization has a lot of useful information about asbestos related diseases.
At Ai Solutions we support the elimination of asbestos within construction. However we are a long way from achieving that due to the amount that has already been used. Asbestos based products are banned from new construction but refurbishment of buildings means our contractors come across it all the time.
If you have an old building the chances are that asbestos is in there somewhere and, due to current legislation you are required to manage it. To aid you in this Ai Solutions has come up with the ToolKit Compliance system to help you do just that; "comply" with the legislation. Our Asbestos Management product can provide you with information at the touch of a button as well as providing you with peace of mind in the process.
If you would like to have a free demonstration of this product then call a member of the team on 01525 850080 or visit our web site for further information.