
Construction Deaths Rise As Cuts Come In

HSESHP reports that the number of deaths in the construction industry rose by around 15 per cent last year, fuelling concerns that the cost-cutting measures being implemented by the HSE will reverse the downward trend of recent years.

The regulator's head of construction, Philip White, revealed the increase at a conference in London on April 5th on Safety Schemes in Procurement, indicating that competence - or lack of it - was "clearly a feature" in many of the fatalities.

We would wholeheartedly agree with his statement, the first cuts are always in training and, as a consequence, the competence of staff/contractors then suffers. In addition many clients believe that checking competence is a costly and unnecessary exercise. We believe that the lessons we have all learned over many years have shown that cutting out training/development can be a costly error should you (the client) be taken to court!

For more on this story go to SHP Online.