Newsletter - April 2010
7 April 2010
The April 2010 edition of the Ai Solutions Newsletter is now available: April Newsletter.
[Read on about Newsletter - April 2010]
7 April 2010
The April 2010 edition of the Ai Solutions Newsletter is now available: April Newsletter.
[Read on about Newsletter - April 2010]
7 April 2010
Watching the BBC News recently, I saw a family discussion about homework and how parents 'can no longer help their children' because they don't understand the teaching method now used for maths being taught to infants. A young girl, maybe a five year old, playing at a computer screen, stated whimsically that 'in the olden days, people used to work things out on paper'. Well, I can resonate with a number of issues there! In the not-so-olden-days, only some 16 years ago, I well remember presenting...
[Read on about Paper - a Whymsical View]
6 April 2010
For those that did not see it, there is news that an Asian insect is to be let loose to see if can stop the spread of one of Britain's most invasive weeds, the Japanese Knotweed. First introduced by the Victorians Knotweed is a tenacious plant and can be found in many areas. Growing up to three feet a month with roots that go six feet deep it has proven difficult to control. Scientists are introducing a psyllid louse, a sap sucking predator in a 'controlled' way in the hope they can find a solution...
[Read on about Knotweed: Louse Let Loose]
1 April 2010
Update 1: From 6 April 2010, if you are responsible for ensuring that conventional tower cranes used on construction sites are thoroughly examined, you must give the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) certain information about these cranes. Businesses responsible for ensuring that conventional tower cranes used on construction sites are thoroughly examined by a competent person must give the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) information about such cranes. Click to read more about this Tower Crane...
[Read on about Regulation Updates]