The HSE have announced "that they are still on track to introduce the revised CDM Regulations in Spring 2007, subject to CONIAC and HSC approval of the proposed Regulations and ACoP by the Autumn.
The draft CDM 2007 regulatory package (i.e. draft Regulations, ACoP and Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) was circulated to CONIAC and CDM Working Group members on 13 July, prior to initial discussion at the 20 July CONIAC meeting.
CONIAC Members have agreed to consider the package further, in consultation with their constituents, and provide the CONIAC Secretariat with any comments by 10 August. A decision will then be taken as to whether the package can be formally cleared by correspondence, or whether an extraordinary CONIAC meeting (scheduled for 11 September, if needed) is required to discuss the package further. Once cleared by CONIAC, the package will be submitted to the HSC, with a view to obtaining formal approval of the proposals at its 17 October meeting.
We are noting a 'Battle Royal' breaking out amongst the troops on the CDM discussion forum and our readers may be interested in looking on. This is the link you need (See the 'Join this Group' link at the bottom of the page):
With just 6 years to go to the London based Olympics, the 2012 ODC have now announced their tendering arrangements for the Integrated Design and Construct Team for the Olympic Stadium.
The games represents a huge opportunity for 'Joined Up Working' between the myriad of parties involved in construction; and across the London Boroughs. Because CDM will inevitably be involved in the majority of these projects, it is a perfect fit for the work we have started aiming to support TfL and the London Boroughs.
Our objective is to make representations to the ODC to see how we can supply our software to their contractors and possibly via the boroughs at the appropriate time. We want to support those involved in the design and construction process, to see how we can help engender the joined up thinking and help deliver the benefits we are all keen on. Parties interesting in taking this forward with us should contact us please.
A recent article in Contract Journal by Brian Warner states: "Clients are increasingly favouring contractors who have experience of using web-based collaboration systems, according to independent research commissioned by the Network for Construction Collaboration Technology Providers. (NCCTP).
The 'Proving Collaboration Pays' study, carried out by Benchmark Research, found that 74% of clients polled said that they were more likely to award contracts to firms experienced in collaboration technologies, with 68% saying they would insist on using such systems on all future projects and citing greater control over projects as one of the main reasons.
In the survey, 98% of people quizzed said they experienced benefits from using the systems. Some of the advantages listed included: 24-hour online availability of documents, drawings and other project data; holding all data in a single central location; reduced expenditure on couriers or post; less danger of losing important documents or drawings; and improved accountability. Respondents said that the technology also cut average drawing approval times by 26%, from an average of 9.3 days to 6.9 days. The study focused on the attitudes and experiences of 272 UK-based staff from 195 different companies."
Callsafe continue their review of the proposed CDM revisions with a third articles where they address the co-ordinator's proposed duties and responsibilities. The co-ordinator is the new title for the planning supervisor. The article is in the Callsafe Newsletter.
We continue our search for specifications regarding the use of hand held devices for asbestos surveying. If you use devices for data collection in your survey business, we would like to hear from you.
Three months on and still counting… the cost! The Jurys Hotel Milton Keynes site signage still proclaims the site to be open for business 'Summer 2006'. We thought you would like to see the latest stage of the site for your own information.
Last month, we told you about the HSE warning on the importance of having proper procedures in place to maintain stable scaffolds. The full warning can be viewed at:
We are pleased to announce that we will be offering a limited number of free training sessions in both CDM and Asbestos ToolKit CS™ products during August 2006. Taking place at our headquarters in Leighton Buzzard, the sessions will cover the basic operation of the ToolKit CS™ product for new or returning users. The places will be limited to 2 per organisation. If you are interested, please contact us so that we can coordinate dates with our resourcing.
We have become aware of interest in developing an Environmental Module for the ToolKit CS™ for the management of environmental issues associated with statutory obligations within the ISO 14001 regulations. We are looking for statements of requirements documents from interested parties so that we can organise a forum in early Sep 06 to discuss them. If the discussions are positive, we will announce a plan to provide such a module in due course to meet the agreed requirements.
We have recently welcomed Shirley Cirket as a new member of our team. She has taken on the role of IT Customer Support Coordinator and has already been introduced to a wide range of activities within the Company. Her background in IT, training and business administration makes her a perfect fit for Ai Solutions and we look forward to introducing her to all our Customers in due course.
With the CDM2 regulations and other development work we are contemplating for the next months, we are now in need of an additional programmer to add to our growing resources. If you are aware of any likely contenders, expert in software development using Microsoft products, we would like to hear from them.
We regularly receive updates from our customers and contacts about changes to legislation, the latest rumours and so on. We try to be selective with what we pass on and acknowledge our sources as appropriate. If you have information of general interest in the Health & Safety, and particularly, CDM and Asbestos Management arena, then please let us know by e-mail if possible.