April crept in and motored past in a flash! So to catch up we cancelled the April Newsletter and now we are back on schedule. If only the rest of life was so simple!
Our first quarter results this year have surpassed our expectations. Even without the Seeboard order discussed below, the results were one of our best to date. However, with the order, our results are fantastic. We are now in a very strong position to break all our records this year and provide the financial results that have been in our sights for some time.
Having worked with Seeboard over many months, we are very proud to receive a large upgrade order. This takes our product into a new Seeboard business area and links 3 businesses together on a common, synchronised database. In addition, Seeboard have ordered the Forms Editor, Permissions and Away from Base Options to allow them to enhance the functionality of their application.
Charles and Theo have been studying for their Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer qualification since the New Year. They repaid us royally by returning from their 2 week intensive 'boot camp' waving a dozen certificates and test results that most of us only dream of. We always knew these very talented individuals knew their stuff. Now we can prove it. The really good news for all our customers is that they too can benefit from our combined experience by buying our services to supplement their own IT resources on site. We are able to offer extended solutions for hardware, operating system and software support.
Our internal MCSE skills combined with our own CDM ToolKit product range that is based on Microsoft software have allowed us to become a Microsoft Certified Solution Provider. We value this certification highly because it has been hard won with many years background work to achieve it. We look forward to expanding our portfolio of products and services based on this world-class organisation. Please keep an eye on our web site for news as we bring extended services on line.
The next version of CDM ToolKit 2000 is being finalised for distribution soon. We will be releasing the initial batch in mid May to those customers who have helped us with our beta testing. Providing the initial batch runs successfully, the remainder of our customers will receive the product in June.
We will be at the Interbuild exhibition from Sunday 21st May until Thursday 25th May 2000 at the NEC. Please use the event to visit us personally or send your colleagues to see the latest version of our software and to discuss your evolving requirements. You can register from our web site (www.cdmtoolkit.com) and save the £20 entrance fee.
We staged another successful and well attended User Forum at the end of March. Presentations were made by John Park from Seeboard, Steve Coffey from Wirral MBC, Margaret Sackey from London Borough of Lambeth and David Kirkham from David French Partnership. We had a very good feedback from the attendees who continue to report that they find the Forum events really useful.
Our web site (www.cdmtoolkit.com) now contains a downloadable Company Brochure and Product Data Sheets. Please keep an eye on our site to see how the product developments can help you and your colleagues. If you need a colour copy of our Company Brochure, please call or e-mail us.