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Requirements for collective safeguards for arresting falls

CDM (Jersey) Knowledge Base

CDM (Jersey) 2016 Regulations
Please note this topic relates to the CDM (Jersey) 2016 Regulations. If you are looking for the CDM 2015 (Great Britain) Regulations, please see the CDM (GB) Knowledge Base

A reference in schedule 5 to a safeguard is to a collective safeguard for arresting falls. In particular this schedule reference (Regulation 27(2)(b)). Under general conditions it states that a safeguard may be used only if:-

  • A risk assessment has demonstrated that the relevant work activity can, so far as is reasonably practicable, be performed safely while using the safeguard and without affecting the safeguard’s effectiveness
  • The use of other, safer, work equipment is not reasonably practicable
  • A sufficient number of persons available on the construction site have received adequate training specific to the safeguard, including rescue procedures.

A safeguard must be suitable in form, and of sufficient strength, to arrest safely the fall of any person whom the safeguard is intended to protect.

A safeguard must:-

  • In the case of a safeguard designed to be attached, be securely attached to all the required anchors
  • In the case of an airbag, landing mat or similar safeguard, be stable;
  • In the case of a safeguard that distorts in arresting a fall, afford sufficient clearance from any nearby surface when the safeguard is undergoing any foreseeable distortion in arresting a fall.
  • Sub-paragraph (1)(a) is satisfied only if the anchors, and the means of attaching the safeguard to them, are suitable, and of sufficient strength and stability, for the purpose of safely supporting the foreseeable loading in arresting the fall of any person whom the safeguard is intended to protect and during any subsequent rescue.

Suitable and sufficient steps must be taken to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that in the event of a fall by any person a safeguard intended to protect against that fall does not itself cause injury to a person.