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Drains and Sewers

Hazard Related Topics


The HSE Booklet HS(G)47 "Avoiding Danger from Underground Services" gives detailed guidance and sets out procedures for working in the vicinity of underground mains and services of whatever type. There is a legal obligation that any activity shall be carried out in such a manner as not to give rise to danger. It must always be assumed that an underground pipeline is live unless categorically proved to the contrary!! Contract documents should require that all operations are carried out in accordance to this advice note.

Specimen or Standard Clause

  1. The position of existing drains and sewers identified on the drawings is based on information supplied by the water or drainage company. The Client does not guarantee accuracy and the Contractor must make his own inquiries to determine the position of existing drains and sewers.
  2. The Contractor shall comply with the HSE Booklet HS(G)47 "Avoiding of Danger from Underground Services".
  3. The Contractor must have in place and have issued to his employees written procedures for carrying out works within the vicinity of drains and sewers.
  4. The Contractor shall comply with the relevant clauses of the specification detailing how operations shall be carried out in the vicinity of drains and sewers.
  5. The Contractor shall not permit heavy plant to travel over any existing sewer unless suitable protection has been provided to the satisfaction of the water or drainage company.
  6. All connections made to existing sewers shall be made in accordance with the specification laid down by the water or drainage company.
  7. Where entry into the drain or sewer is necessary the contractor will comply with the requirements of the Confined Spaces Regulations 1997.