Public Health Services
Hazard Related Topics
These services include cold and hot water supplies, water treatment plant, surface water and foul drainage, waste and refuse disposal systems, above-ground sanitary systems, soil waste and vents and water and gas fire extinguishing systems.
Principal Hazards and Risks
- Falls from height during installation, commissioning and maintenance of equipment. Falling into excavations.
- Confined spaces - during installation of equipment in manholes or tunnels, ducts etc.
- Hazardous gases - carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, methane accumulating in confined spaces.
- Manual handling of tanks and other public health plant which is bulky, heavy and awkwardly shaped.
Some Control Measures
- Ensure safe access and safe place of work on equipment at height.
- Work in confined spaces should be carried out by following the advice in the 'confined spaces' topic in this KnowledgeBase.
- Ensure sufficient space is provided around plant installations to allow mechanical handling devices to be used.
- Provide lifting beams, eyes and runways to assist in the lifting and transport of plant and equipment.
- Ensure the installation of ladders for deep manhole access rather than step irons.
- Ensure the provision of suitable protective clothing and equipment.