Notifying the HSI
CDM (Jersey) Knowledge Base
Please note this topic relates to the CDM (Jersey) 2016 Regulations. If you are looking for the CDM 2015 (Great Britain) Regulations, please see the CDM (GB) Knowledge Base
Who should Notify the HSI?
The Health and Safety Project Coordinator has the responsibility for making sure that the HSE is notified that a notifiable project is taking place.
Circumstances under which you should notify the HSI.
A project is notifiable if the construction work on a construction site is scheduled to:-
- last longer than 30 working days; or
- the number of days to complete the project if the work were to be undertaken by one individual would exceed 500;
Where a project is notifiable, the client must give notice in writing to the Health and Safety Inspectorate (HSI) as soon as is practicable before the construction phase begins.
The fact that the project is not notifiable does not mean that the project does not otherwise come under the CDM regulations.
How to Notify the HSI
CDM ToolKit CS™ automatically generates the Notification automatically from the user's project data, allows the form to be printed, e-mailed and saved so that different versions can be saved against an audit trail. This form can be directly sent to the Health and Safety Inspectorate (HSI) so there is no delay on posting. This form is recognised by the HSI and contains all the required information as per regulation 9(2). This notification that is acceptable to the HSI. In addition to this the ToolKit CS™ notification is audited and version controlled within the product. Additionally the ‘single entry’ means that you will not be duplicating effort, which can lead to errors.
You can also create a notification via the HSI web site, please go to the on-line form.
This is a manual input but does send a copy of the notification via email which includes a reference number, which may differ to your own.
See Also