First Aid
Hazard Related Topics
CDM 2015 Regulation 12 states that the Construction Phase Plan must include health and safety arrangements, which include site First Aid.
The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 lay down three broad duties governing the provision of first-aid to people at work.
- The duty of employers to provide first-aid.
- The duty of the employer to inform employees of these arrangements.
- The duty of the self employed person to provide first-aid equipment.
These regulations do not include the treatment of minor illness, such as the administration of tablets and/or medicines within the definition of first-aid. Therefore first-aiders are not required to be trained in these areas.
Duties of Employers
To provide first-aid equipment and facilities which is both adequate and appropriate in the circumstances. In order to determine what will satisfy the above criteria the employer should carry out an assessment of the hazards likely or foreseeably present within the particular workplace in order to provide adequate and suitable provisions. The approved code of practice lays down the criteria to be adopted to determine what equipment, facilities and personnel they require.
- The number of employees.
- The nature of the undertaking.
- The size of the establishment and the distribution of the employees.
- The location of the establishment.
- The use of shift working.
- The distance of the location from outside medical services.
The above criteria should determine what equipment and facilities are adequate in a given set of circumstances. All establishments should provide at least one first-aid box. The regulations lay down criteria for the construction and contents of first-aid boxes.
First-Aid Personnel
Employers are required to provide an adequate and appropriate number of suitable persons to render first-aid to ill or injured employees. Suitable persons are defined as those who hold a current first-aid certificate issued under a training course approved by the HSE. In circumstances where the 'suitable person' is absent it is permissible for the employer to appoint a person to take charge of any situation where an ill or injured person requires medical attention and to care for the first-aid facilities and equipment. Such a person should not render first-aid but should be responsible for calling medical assistance. Such 'appointed persons' may not be considered as a full time alternative to a trained and qualified first-aider.
The Duty of employers to tell workers of first-aid arrangements
The employer must inform his employees of the arrangements in connection with the provision of first-aid including the location of equipment, facilities and personnel. Such information can be provided during an induction programme for new employees. Suitable notices should be displayed in prominent positions indicating the locations of first-aid facilities and the names and locations of first-aid personnel.
Record Keeping
A first-aid record system should be maintained of all cases treated. Information recorded should include:
- Full name and address and occupation of the injured person.
- Date of the entry.
- Date and time of the accident.
- Accident details - location and circumstances including the work process.
- Injury details.
- Signature and address of person making the entry.
Use of Defibrillators
Newer First Aid requirements state the use of defibrillators as part of CPR. Often referred to as AED's (Automated External Defibrillators) your appointed First Aider needs to know the location of any AED's. They may well be portable or located nearby (Library, Post Office, Larger Shops or town centers). Your allocated First Aid person will need to know how to use a defibrillator so make sure that their training is up to date.
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