Domestic Client / Domestic Works
CDM (GB) Knowledge Base
Under the CDM2015 regulations, a Domestic Client is someone who has construction work done on their own home, or the home of a family member, which is not done in connection with a business.
Local authorities, housing associations, charities, landlords and other businesses may own domestic properties, but they are not a domestic client for the purposes of CDM 2015.
If the work is in connection with a business attached to domestic premises, such as a shop, the client is not a domestic client.
Duties of the Domestic Client
Domestic client duties are new to the CDM regulations. CDM2015 guidance states that domestic client duties are similar to those of a business client. However as the client may have very little knowledge of CDM their duties will be carried out by the Principal Contractor. This is unless there is a written agreement between the client and the Principal Designer stating that the Principal Designer will fulfil those duties.
If there is more than one contractor on site then the client is additionally responsible for:-
- The appointment of the Principal Designer - to carry out the PD responsibilities. Where no appointment is made the first designer appointed during the pre-construction phase is deemed to be appointed as the principal designer
- The appointment of the Principal Contractor - to carry out PC responsibilities. Where no appointment is made the first contractor appointed during the construction phase is deemed to be appointed as the principal contractor
See Also