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Who are Designers?

Designers Knowledge Base

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 defines the designer in general terms as anyone who prepares a design or arranges for any person under their control to prepare one.

The Health and Safety (Management in Construction) (Jersey) Regulations 2016 defines the designer as a person whose profession, trade or business involves him or her in preparing or modifying a design / arranging for or instructing people under his or her control to prepare or modify a design, relating to a structure or to a product or mechanical or electrical system intended for a particular structure, and a person is treated as preparing or modifying a design where a design is prepared or modified by a person under his or her control.

The designer is also anyone who contributes to the process of design irrespective of their actual role.


  1. A Client who dictates or alters a design.
  2. Building services, engineering practices or others designing fixed plant which is heavy or awkward to move, contains specific hazards in its use and maintenance, etc.
  3. People preparing specifications or bills of quantities, specifying articles or substances.
  4. People who purchase materials where the choice has been left open for, say, building blocks. By making the choice as part of a purchasing decision, you are taking part in the design process.
  5. Contractors carrying out design work as part of their contribution to the project.
  6. Heritage organisations who specify how work is to be done.
  7. Temporary works designers.

By implication all of these parties should be reducing risk by their design decisions and communicating with the other designers about their areas of concern.

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