Procedure for Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
Contractors Knowledge Base
The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 (as amended) require all employers to provide suitable personal protection to any employee who may be exposed to risks to their health and safety whilst at work. Where other control measures used are effective in provided protection to the same or a greater extent it is not necessary to use the personal protective equipment Such personal protective equipment or clothing should be suitable for its purpose, fitted to the wearer, properly maintained and properly used. However it should only be used as a last resort after all other means of controlling risks have been exhausted.
This procedure is designed to ensure that this company carries out its responsibilities with regard to personal protective equipment in a controlled manner.
Company personnel who have responsibility for buying personal protective equipment will ensure that it is suitable for the purpose for which it is intended. A full range of sizes are to be stocked in order that members of staff are as comfortable as possible when wearing it.
The senior company representative on site is responsible for:
- Ensuring that personal protective clothing and equipment on site is stored in a secure place when not being used.
- That it is maintained promptly and correctly.
- That it is suitable for the purpose for which it is intended.
- That it fits the person who is to wear it.
- That the person using the equipment has been trained to use it correctly.
- That defective clothing and equipment is withdrawn from service pending repair or replacement.
Company employees who are issued with personal protective clothing and equipment are required to wear or use the equipment as it is intended and report any defects found to the senior company representative on site.