Project Managers acting as Planning Supervisors
Can the project manager also be the planning supervisor?
The question above was originally posed via our Ask A Guru feature and this response from 2004 was by either Dave Carr or Michael Stokes.
There is nothing in the CDM Regulations which precludes the project manager from carrying out the planning supervisor role, subject always to the person(s) having the requisite competence. Regulation 6 requires every client to appoint a planning supervisor whilst clause 21 of the ACoP explains thus:
"There is no restriction on who is appointed as the planning supervisor provided they are competent to perform that function in relation to a particular project. The planning supervisor may be a company, a partnership or an individual."
Clause 24 of the ACoP further explains:
"The appointments should be kept under review, and need to be terminated, changed or renewed by the client as necessary, if the nature of the project changes, if the contractors change, or if the competence of either the planning supervisor or principal contractor proves unsatisfactory."
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