Do the CDM Regulations apply to property developers?
Property developers are carrying out work in the furtherance of a business, Do the CDM Regulations apply to property developers?
In short Kamran the answer is yes, CDM applies to all construction projects. The second part to this is 'is the works notifiable' and the regulations state that it depends on the length of time the project is scheduled for. Therefore it really depends on the construction start and end dates. Plus you will need to consider the complexity of the works as well as man hours. If you would like further guidance please give Ai Solutions a call.
As property developers I assume that this includes construction works, either in the form of alterations and extensions, or in repair and maintenance which may include plumbing, electrical works and redecorations. The CDM regulations apply to all of this work. The question is how long will the construction project last, from the first works on site to all works being completed? If the works will take more than 30 days, then you need to consult a competent CDMC immediately and ensure that the works are planned and completed in accordance with the CDM Regulations. Competent CDMC's can be found by contacting your designer, Ai Solutions or the APS.
Agreed and under the proposed new regs the domestic owner will also be covered by CDM as the EU Directive is properly implemented.
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