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 Can you describe the disposal methods for asbestos after it has been removed from a building?

Created 23 Apr 2024, 07:06 by Simon Downer in the Asbestos Management forum.

Can you describe the disposal methods for asbestos after it has been removed from a building?

#1253 Shirley posted on 23 April 2024, 08:27

Asbestos Removal can only be done by licenced contractors. Only businesses holding a licence to work with (either repair or removal of) asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), or those supervising such operations, and those with an ancillary licence, can dispose of Asbestos.

However, you may find the follow link for the HSE useful -

#1254 James Steggles posted on 24 April 2024, 16:40

Just to qualify Shirley's response. The disposal must be by Licensed Waste Carrier. The question of removal will be dependent on the type and quantity of ACM. The ACM will normally be sealed or wrapped for transport, then taken to either a waste transfer station licensed to take ACMs or direct to a Waste tip licensed for Asbestos.

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