
CDM Solution for States of Jersey

Lighthouse, Jersey, Channel Islands

We are very proud that the States of Jersey Infrastructure team have successfully implemented ToolKit CS as their CDM management system. Compared to the British CDM2015 regs, the regulations are different for the States of Jersey; the Management in Construction (Jersey) Regulations 2016 (CDM2016) were brought into force in October 2016 and replaced the 'Construction (Safety Provisions) (Jersey) Regulations 1970' and the 'Approved Code of Practice Managing Health and Safety in Construction' (ACoP 11).

The main objective for the States of Jersey was to ensure CDM compliance for the Infrastructure team. As the regulations were new, the head of Health and Safety wanted to give the team a tool to manage their projects as well as making sure they were compliant with the new CDM2016 regulations. It was important for them to provide 24/7 access to the system so that those involved with the CDM process had access to up to date CDM information whenever they needed it, in the office, on site, on the move.

As the regulations were new, they also wanted to be sure that the system was 'up to date' with the specifics of the Jersey regulations; it was imperative that the system has to always be in-line with the latest regulations as they differ to the British regulations in terminology and principals. Along with these requirements they also wanted peace of mind, knowing their data was completely current and was regularly backed up. The States of Jersey chose the Ai Solutions ToolKit CS (CDM) hosted provision as this ensured 'the latest' CDM2016 regulations as well as facilitating their requirement for 24/7 access.

If you would like to know more about how Ai Solutions can help keep you compliant with the CDM regulations in either Great Britain (CDM2015) or Jersey (CDM2016) please call a member of the team on 01525 850080 or book your FREE demonstration and consultation by visiting our web site.

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