
Reckless Asbestos Failure / CDM regulations fine

Asbestos Dust HazardThe SHP has reported that 40 workers were put at risk by being exposed to Asbestos. A hearing was carried out at Canterbury Crown Court and a fine of £750,000 was ordered plus payment of costs totalling £14,874.68.

"The company's failings in this case has put many workers at risk to the exposure of asbestos", commented HSE inspector Melvyn Stancliffe.

"It was clear there was an endemic failure to effectively manage the construction work on the site in a way which ensured that asbestos materials were not disturbed until removed under appropriate conditions. Failing to prevent the breathing in of asbestos fibres on the site is reckless", he added.

The HSE carried out two investigations at a site in 2013 and 2014. Poor safety practices in general with many complaints about the safety on site being reported lead to the work being stopped.

For more on this story visit SHP: £750,000 fine for 'reckless' asbestos failure.